May your life be fulfilled with each other’s company and that you may grow old and happy together.
Marriage is not just an auspicious bond. It is a journey that lasts till eternity. Right at the beginning of the journey, here’s wishing that both of you have a memorable and joyful ride.
To love and be loved Is the pinnacle of happiness and riches. May you never lose sight of this precious treasure in all your days together.
Marriage is when a man and woman become as one; the trouble starts when they try to decide which one! So as you draw closer together, always allow room for you to each be your self.
Congratulations on only having one option for the rest of your life! P.S. I'm glad that you opted for the right one. Here's to a happy marriage, you guys!
You need to have more than good intentions to make a good marriage, This statement is backed up by years of exhaustive study, which has helped researchers determine that marriage is the chief cause of divorce.
Never forget the love of your life gives you the courage you need succeed in this marriage.
Love is more than an emotion; it is a triumph over adversity and is a celebration of life itself. Congratulations on declaring your love on this day.
As you step into a new life as new couples, you become treasure to our community and the world. May your light of parenthood shine like star on dark sky. Happy Married life